Saturday 11 October 2014

DIY Logo Design, Clip Art Or Custom Logo Design? – Don’t Get Mistaken!

Every sunrise brings new hope! It’s a new day, you are ready for a new beginning and a new business plan. After doting your i’s and crossing your t’s, you’re now ready to plunge into the development of a brand new logo design for your company. You call upon a business meeting and hash it out amongst yourselves. You’re on the turning point of making the decision to employ the “Top Design Firm Ever” when your accomplice says, “why wasting money on a logo design firm, let’s design it on our own, after all it’s just a design. There’re so much clip arts available out there on the Internet. Why can’t we just use anything like that? Moreover, all the stuff on the Internet is free of cost, right”?
You’re enticed. It would save some money to the company. Unluckily, if you opt to do that, you'd be completely mistaken on both counts. If you ponder over the idea of designing logo by yourself or using clipart for a logo design, you might find that it would cost you more money. Even if you only make use of a do-it-yourself logo idea in order to begin with, you could shake off brand equity, which could charge you your whole business.
It is better to take your logo development seriously. It is not just a simple image; it is an image that should be created with an insight into what your business entails. It should be created to offer something that is easily memorable and recognizable. Logo designing is not a child’s play. Its foundation is centered upon the research and perceptive of your company. These two essentials are then blended with the designer’s intellect of form and function, the encroachment of negative and positive space in addition to the power of abstraction. The moment a designer brings these elements as one, the result should be amazing.
But Clip Art is FREE!
To clear up the misconception, not all clip arts are free. There is also the fallacy that everything on the internet is public domain. This isn't true every time. There are many cases in which copyright issues are associated with clip art and imagery on the Internet, and those aren’t even the extremely crucial reasons regarding why utilizing clip art for your logo design is not a smart move.
Most of the times, clip art, whether free or paid for, is available for use by everyone and anyone. Clip art offers a unexceptional solution for a design. Suppose, you’ve purchased a piece of very appealing clip art from a popular website. You use it for designing your logo and everyone is contented that you’ve saved some cash for the company. A week later, while doing online search you scroll through the results and snap on a page. You are unable to believe your eyes. They’ve copied your logo! But wait. They may didn’t steal your logo. They just went to a clip art site and found a picture that they thought represented their corporation. It just so occurs that they chose the same art that you chose.

These are just some of the issues you could encounter if you decide to make your own logo or employ clip art for your logo. Eventually, any of these scenarios could totally devastate your business. Thus, if you think it’s more inexpensive to use clip art or to create your own logo, you may want to re-evaluate.


  1. I love this blog because it's the perfect place to come to find graphic design inspiration. The blog is full of images and tutorials that are sure to help you create stunning logos for your brand. I especially enjoy the color palettes and unique font choices for each project. The blog is a great resource for those who are new to logo design and also for those who are seasoned professionals. online logo design service

  2. Thanks for such a nice and updated information.

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